My lovely Step-Mother-In-Law, April, pledged to my kickstarter campaign and got to change the name of one of the characters in Bright.
Floyd Walters was a character that at first was only going to be in one chapter, but then he ended up in a love triangle of sorts with the main character, Estelle, and integral to the story. Floyd just didn’t seem like the right name.
April chose to name him after her grandfather: Jack Maranville and subsequently named the whole family Maranville and their business the Maranville Public Relations and Marketing firm.
Jack’s parents are now Leo, named for April’s grandmother (cool, huh?) and Maude, April’s grandmother’s middle name and my father-in-law’s grandmother’s first name. So there you have it, Jack Maranville is a character!
My dad pledged to kickstarter and got to name a girl character. She has a small role in this book, but I plan a bigger role in a sequel. She was named Sally, now her name is Angel Singer.
Thank you April and thank you Dad!