Beyond is on Kindle Scout!

I’m attempting to score an Amazon publishing contract for my book, Beyond, the sequel to Bright by joining Kindle Scout.

Kindle Scout is a crowd-sourced site.
My book is here:

I need my crowd to *pretty please* give me a whole bunch of ‘nominations’ in 30 days. At the end of 30 days, the folks at Amazon will decide whether to offer the author, me, H.D. Knightley, a publishing contract. The idea is to have my book listed as hot and trending as much as possible for the whole thirty days.

So please, take a second and nominate my book, it’s easy. Use your amazon account, or if more than one person in the family wants to do it, *please oh please pretty please*, just sign up a new account to vote. My kids report that it’s very easy to do.

Best part, if I get published, everyone who nominated me will receive the e-book for free.

So it’s kind of like kickstarter-crowd-sourcing-indie-coolness, except I’m not asking you for money, I’m asking you to click a little button so AMAZON will give me money. Awesome huh?

Here’s the link again in case that upper one got by you:

thank you so much, and let me know how it goes in the comments!