Fly is based on the book The Light Princess, by George MacDonald. It was written in 1864. Have you ever read it? It’s lovely. Here’s a link: The Light Princess e-book though the print book is good (pictures by Maurice Sendak!): the Light Princess print book
Finding these links has reminded me that I need to include a quote in the front matter of the book when it’s published. This one will do nicely:
Light of Spirit by my charms,
Light of body, every part.
Never weary human arms –
Only crush thy parents heart !
That’s the curse that the witch placed upon the baby princess. And maybe this one:
Death alone from death can save.
Love is death, and so is brave.
Love can fill the deepest grave.
Love loves on beneath the wave.
This is the message left by the witch, a clue to how the Kingdom may be saved.
I’m going to dust off my copy of the book and look for some more good quotes!
Fly is a mostly finished. It’s had somewhere between 3-10 rewrites of my own direction. Two beta readers that directed minor rewrites and now finally my editor has given me notes. You might think it would be difficult to find fault in something so thoroughly worked over, yet she had twenty notes, some big. One of my favorites is that Fly‘s prince, the surfer, Hank, needs a job, so that he’s not so trust-fund-y. She is correct, I see that now, and don’t know why I didn’t before. I’m diving back in! Should come up for air in a few days.
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