Finishing a Series

I’m working on the second edit of Belief (Book three of The Estelle Series) There’s at least one more edit to go (mostly typos) before the book heads to the beta readers. I love that phase, beta readers tune in to so many more issues than I can see.

Case in point, when I was writing Fly:

The kingdom is suffering a terrible drought. So much so that people are becoming sick. Hank is worried. He fills bottles with lake water to take home. He is invited to a big party and to get ready he takes a shower. A shower.

I read and edited the book three times, but it was a beta reader that noticed Hank takes a shower. So I’m grateful for all the extra eyes.

Speaking of which, the e-book of Fly is free today on Amazon.

Head on over and download a copy!


fly-meme-moonlightBelief is cool. I think you’ll like the final book. Very much. Estelle has to rise above her fear and do something that turns her into a true hero.

Not a superhero. There’s no hidden power or talent or skill that she calls upon.

Just an ordinary girl who courageously takes responsibility for what is wrong.

Anyway, thanks for being a reader. I’m working hard to get it finished.

And even if you already have a copy of Fly, maybe you need another one. Possibly?

